Dragonbane x Philly


You can reserve a spot by joining the Discord, submitting a contact form, or sending an email: jaredito@proton.me

Discord Contact Form

Secret of the Dragon Emperor

According to legend, the Misty Vale was once the heart of a powerful dragon-worshiping empire, able to banish the vile demon Sathmog. But this great civilization fell into ruin, enshrouded with a demonic curse and overrun by orcs. Drawn by rumors and legends of hidden riches and lost knowledge, people begin to return to the Misty Vale … adventurers like you.

This is an episodic adventure path, running bi-weekly-ish. Join us for a session, or stick around for the whole campaign. No experience required. Feel free to bring your own character, or take a pre-gen when you show up.

Next Session

We venture to the Oracle Cave ...

About Dragonbane

Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game, by Free League Publishing, full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It's all about fast and furious play, known as "mirth and mayhem".

Learn more about Dragonbane

Session Locations

We'll meet at one of two locations, based on group feedback leading up to each sesion.

Runehammer Image of a cool lair looking gaming room Philly Game Shop The Philly Game Shop private table